Indonesian National Police Ranked Fifth in the Best Police Institutions of the World

29 October 2022 - 21:50 WIB
Foto : -   Gallup, the international survey institute, ranked the Indonesian National Police as the fifth best police institution in the world. The National Police Institution is currently facing their most difficult issues due to a number of incidents. Such incidents are the case of the premeditated murder of Ferdy Sambo, the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, and the case of Teddy Minahasa’s drug abuse case. A number of these cases have an impact on the community where it shows a declining level of trust.

The decline was also acknowledged by the Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, after meeting with President Jokowi on Friday, October 14th, 2022. The National Police Chief said that his party was ready to focus their efforts in regaining public trust in the institution he leads. Efforts were also made to maintain the dignity of the Police.

"Maintaining the dignity of the National Police through a transformation program to carry out the main tasks of the National Police in maintaining security, public order, protecting, nurturing, and serving the community, as well as enforcing the law," said the National Police Chief.

Even though they are being tested, their performance is still considered good according to the survey. The Indonesian National Police is placed as the world's best police officer number five. The award was given by the world pollster Gallup, inc. The top five positions refer to the public's perception of the performance of each country's police officers in 2021. Gallup's Law and Order Index uses four questions to measure a person's sense of personal security and their personal experience with crime and law enforcement.

The first question is whether they have trust in the local police. Second, is there a sense of safety when walking around at night. Then, whether in the last 12 months the community experienced property confiscation/theft or not. There is also the question of whether in the past year there have been no attacks or robberies on the streets.

For Indonesia, citizens' trust in the police increased significantly by 92% from 81% in the previous year. "The previous indicator went down due to the handling of the demonstration which was still quite violent," concluded Gallup

in Opini

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