Sumedang Police Continues to Send Their Aids to Cianjur

27 November 2022 - 10:21 WIB
Foto : Dok. Humas Polda Jabar

After coordinating with the Cianjur Police, the Sumedang Police sent their aid for the earthquake victims in Cianjur.

"We have sent our logistics of approximately four tons of provisions which were transported by truck. The provisions include foods, biscuits, medicines, and blankets," explained Sumedang Police Chief AKBP Indra Setiawan.

In addition to sending logistical assistance, the Sumedang Police have also sent a trauma healing team. This team is tasked with providing therapy for the refugees.

“This therapy is prioritized for the refugees, especially children,” said Indra.

Asep Sulaeman, a resident of Cigagak Hamlet, Sukaresmi Village, who was met at the evacuation site, said that some residents could not return to their homes because the house is damaged.

"We would like to say thank you to the Sumedang Police for their time in visiting us. You went far just to see us. We also would like to say thank you for the provisions such as the tarpaulin and blankets that you gave us,” said Asep.

The Chief Unit of Sabhara AKP Taufik Risnandar who was at the evacuation site had the opportunity to lead the trauma healing team. The aim of trauma healing is to assist psychological recovery and provide motivation for victims affected by the Cianjur earthquake to keep their spirits up in the midst of the disaster they are facing.

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