After Passing Through Difficult Terrains, Police Immediately Helped the Isolated Victims of Cianjur

23 November 2022 - 17:08 WIB
Foto: Humas Polri

The Mobile Brigade Corps finally able to burst through the difficult terrains to get through the isolated areas in Cianjur after the region was rocked by an earthquake. The Corps was able to get to Barukaso Village where dozens of people have been waiting for their aids

In reaching the isolated region, the Head of Indonesian National Police Public Relations says “The corps only used their cars halfway, the rest of it was continued by walking by foot”.

Prior the aids, the people of the village were forced to sleep alongside with the fallen bodies of the earthquake, due to the land covered in rubbles. After the aid arrived, the bodies were then buried after the rubbles and the debris have been cleaned.

“Right now, the Movile Brigadier Corps are evacuating the injured using a stretcher to the nearest ambulance. They had to walk a long road to get to it” he said.

Currently, the government is still gathering the list of dead and injured victims, while the injured continued to be treated in hospitals and medical post.

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