Majalengka Police Reviews Gatur Security Posts During Lilin Lodaya Ops

2 January 2023 - 14:12 WIB
Foto : Humas Polda Jabar

[15.50, 2/1/2023] +62 812-9117-3823: Head of Profession and Security of Majalengka Police, AKP Sarjiyo reviewed directly the preparation of personnel to prevent any violations from them in security post of Gatur Maja Ops Lilin Lodaya, Monday (1/2).

“We are here to ensure personnel in security post, while also reviews their appearance, personal certificate, and of course cleanliness at the security post," said AKP Sarjiyo as quoted from, Monday (1/2).

He says that in giving proper service to the community, there needs to be monitoring of personnel in the field to ensure that Christmas and New Year’s Eve security went well.

He said firmly that to prevent small mistakes and give their best service to the community.
[15.51, 2/1/2023] +62 812-9117-3823:

Passed Out at KM 70, Bus Passanger Helped by Police

Kerawang Regency traffic personnel helps evacuate a passanger of Harapan Jaya bus who passed out at KM 70 of Jakarta-Cikampek Toll road, Sunday (1/1).

“We will move the passanger immediately to Siloam Hospital for further medical attention,” says Head of Karawang Traffic Police, AKP La Ode Habibi Ade Jama, quoted from Antara.

AKP La Ode Habibi says that the incident happened when Aiptu Jaya and Aiptu Ida Bagus Arko are doing their regular patrols and duty at Jakarta-Cikampek Tol. At that moment, the two personnel found that there was a bus passenger who passed out at KM 70 Jakarta-Cikampek.

“The two personnel then immediately report the incident to me. After hearing the news, I instruct other members, which from bike patrol unit, to evacuate the passenger to the hospital imemdiately,” he said.

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