East Java Police Sends a Truck of Logistics to Cianjur

1 December 2022 - 19:31 WIB
Foto : Humas Polda Jateng

The Central Java Regional Police sends logistic for earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java. The provision consist of various goods needed by the refugees, and was transported using a unit of Mobile Brigade Corps truck.

The sent-off was led by Deputy Head of the Central Java Regional Police, Brigadier General Abiyoso Seno Aji, accompanied by several main officials of Central Java Police at the Central Java Police Headquarters, on Wednesday (11/30).

"The Central Java Police have sent the aid to the people who were affected by the earthquake in Cugeneng Village, Cianjur. This assistance is an expression of our sympathy and empathy for people in Cianjur," said the Deputy Chief of Police.

Brigadier Abiyoso Seno Aji, hopes that the aid that has been dispatched will arrive safely and can be beneficial.

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