As Operations Ends, Aceh Police Conveys Monitor Still Needs to Continue

2 January 2023 - 16:01 WIB
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Seulawah Lilin Operation have officially ended today, says the Head Ops of Aceh Police, Commissioner Muji Ediyanto. Although the operation is over, police will still monitor the situation through Enhanced Routine Activities, Monday (1/2).

He says that throughout the operations, other than traffic accident at Pidie, there are no significant disturbances occured. Furthermore, the situation during New Year’s Eve went safely and secured in general.

“Thankfully, until its last day, there are only one notable disturbances, which is Pidie traffic accident. Other than that, everything goes well,” he said quoted from, Monday (1/2).

Representing the Aceh Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Haydar, and Head of Operational Planning and Control, Commissioner Agus Sarjito, Commissioner Muji Ediyanto conveys their gratitude to all personnel, stakeholders, and community involved in this operation for their effort in realizing a safe holiday.

“Thank you for your best effort until its last day. I would also like to say thank you to the people who helps us in maintaining order during the operation,” he said in his appreciation remarks.

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