Those Who “Leave” in Call of Duty

28 October 2022 - 11:30 WIB
Foto : ( -  The Kanjuruhan tragedy leaves many mysteries, especially in the deaths of 135 victims, including two members of the National Police who were on duty to secure the match. With all the condolences to the fallen supporters of "Singo Edan", the nickname for Aremania, there still needs to be a special research on how the two police officers can also become the victims in this incident.

Two of the fallen officers are First Brigadier Fajar Yoyok Pujiono and First Brigadier Andik Purwanto. Both of them were part of the Trenggalek Police and the Tulungagung Police. The deaths of these two members of the Police are still unclear. There was an information that said the two officers were also among the hundreds of supporters who were jostling at the exit. There is also another story where two of these two officers were tried to save the Persebaya goalkeeper from angry mob.

According to Police Observer and Media Practitioner Edy Budiyarso, the investigation on the death of police officers on duty must be discussed further in evaluation regarding police assignments that are considered dangerous and even threatened the lives of the officer.

A study in America regarding "Assaults on Police Officers" which resulted in the death of police officers on duty in New York, stated that 88% of the assailant were criminals. Research Major 1991 in Oklahoma, where the state has a crime rate below New York City, stated that during the 1980s, 24% of the 1,077 assailants of police officers have the same characters where they have committed crimes prior.

Based on this data, it appears that those who have the courage to retaliate against police officers are those who are classified as criminals, or people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Moreover, the data also revealed the probability that those with low levels of sanity have the courage to assault and kill officers who are on duty. The death of a police member is indeed must become a valuable lesson for the state, so that their sacrifice won’t be in vain.

Professor Samuel G. Chapman, a police expert in Oklahoma, USA, mentions that to prevent assaults on police officers, there should be relevant lines of communication to alert the officers on duty when the situation goes awry. There should also a continuous training in honing situational awareness for the police, as well as self-defence training.

In the Tragedy of Kanjurahan, the suggestion from the police who recommended the match to be held much earlier is actually their awareness on the potential threat of violence or riots that might occur. This tragedy is indeed a very valuable lesson for all of those who involved, and hopefully it won’t ever happen again, because lives matters more than just a win or lose.

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