Survey Shows Public Trusts Towards Police Gradually Increasing

18 December 2022 - 11:07 WIB

Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute, Edi Saputra Hasibuan, said that the level of public trust in Polri in December 2022 rise to 71.4%.

"This figure continues to rise when compared to the results of the previous survey in August 2022 which was only 56.3%," he said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday (12/17).

He also said that the increase in public trust was based on a survey conducted by them from 2 to 14 December 2022 involving 1,000 respondents aged 17 years and over. According to him, there are a number of reasons why its increasing and one of the reasons is that the police performance is good. Among other things, the firmness and transparency in disclosing the murder of Brigadier J with the accused, the former Head of the Propam Polri Division, Inspector General of Police FS, continued to be carried out.

"Instructions by the Chief of Police on operating electronic ticketing and ending manual ticketing throughout Indonesia have also contributed to increasing public trust," he explained further.

He said the synergy between the Police and the Indonesian Military in securing the G20 International activities in Bali also contributed to increasing public confidence.

"We see that Polri's transparency in responding quickly to various cases highlighted by the public is very good. If this keeps continues, the trust will certainly get even better," he concluded.

in Opini

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