Indonesian House of Representatives Supports Police in Uncovering Illegal Online Loan Companies

6 December 2022 - 11:32 WIB
Foto: Ilustrasi pinjol ilegal (Warta Pontianak - Pikiran Rakyat)

The hard work of the police in revealing online loans in Manado, North Sulawesi, was commended by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI). Those commend was conveyed by member of Commission III of DRP RI, Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi.

“I support the police in keep developing the case of illegal online loan companies in Indonesia that often disturbs our community. Therefore, I ask you, members of the police, to keep working hard on it,” he said.

According to him, the General of Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, have worked according to the orders of the President that was conveyed on OJK Virtual Innovation Day 2021 regarding mass cases of illegal online loans and digital financial crimes.

“The digital developments and economic situations are used by illegal loan bussiness to grab as much as profits as they can, and that is what we must beware of,” he said in his conclusion.


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