Indonesian House of Representatives Commended the Security G20

16 November 2022 - 13:45 WIB
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Tribratanews.polri.go.idThe readiness of the Police in securing the G20 Summit in Bali is admirable. In fact, the attention of the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to ensure the security of these activities, should be appreciated. This was stated by member of Commission III Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Abu Bakar Al-Habsyi at the DPR RI Building, reported by, Tuesday (15/11).

"Even the National Police Chief himself immediately inspect the readiness of the troops in the field. He was even seen eating boxed rice along with personnel who were on duty in the field," explained the DPR RI member who is familiarly known as Habib Aboe Bakar.

According to him, a very detailed preparation by the National Police Chief are needed to ensure security is well maintained. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a surprise if the National Police came down directly to the field, so that he can be sure that the security operation is in accordance with the plan.

"Thus, unwanted security disturbances can be avoided," he said further.

Moreover, said Habib Aboe Bakar, the G20 Summit is an international forum that puts the name of the country at risk. There were 17 influential heads of state in the world present at the forum. So that the steps and preparedness of the Police are one of the keys in maintaining Indonesia's good reputation in the eyes of the world, especially in terms of security.

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