Deli Serdang Police Chief Reviews the First Day of Toba Lilin Operation

24 December 2022 - 21:40 WIB
Foto : - The Head of the Deli Serdang Police, Commissioner Irsan Sinuhaji, monitors the preparation of Deli Serdang Police personnel in carrying out Security Operations for Christmas and New Year Eve, while also inspects the security post, service post, and the 2022 Toba Lilin Ops Integrated Post.

The Head of the Deli Serdang Police inspected the Simpang Kayu Besar Service Post and examined their personnel and supporting equipment and infrastructure for the 2022 Toba Lilin Ops.

"Whistles, flashlights, vests must be ready for personnel who are about to carry out tasks at the security Post, service post and the integrated post," said the Head of the Deli Serdang Police.

Operation Lilin Toba 2022 will be carried out from December 23rd, 2022, to January 2nd, 2023, and the police will cooperate with the Indonesian Military Army, local government, Scouts, community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders, which aims to create a safe and conducive situation during and after Christmas and New Year Eve.

"I hope we will be able to carry out the mission properly, sincerely, responsibly, and in accordance with the SOP with the division of tasks for each post, both the Security Post, Service Post, and Integrated Post," explained Commissioner Irsan Sinuhaji.

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