South Kalimantan Officials Reviews Christmas Situation in the Area

26 December 2022 - 09:08 WIB
Foto : Dok. Polda Kalsel

Assuring Christmas is going peacefully, the South Kalimantan Poice Chief, Inspector General Andi Rian Ryacudu Djajadi, reviews directly the situation on several churches in Banjarmasin, Saturday (12/24).

In those visit, he was accompanied by South Kalimantan Governor, Sahbirin Noor and other high officials of South Kalimantan.

He and the entourage went to Cathedral Church in General Sudirman street, Banjarmasin Protestant Batak Christian Huria (HKBP) Church, and the Catholic Church of The Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Veterans street.

In his review, he ensures the conditions of the joint personnel whose carrying out the security mission. He added that South Kalimantan Police have dispatched dozens of personnel to churches in the region to secure the area from threats.

He says that during Christmas Eve, the situation went fully under control. After reviewing the situation in churches during Christmas Eve, they also reviewed Central Post at Banjarmasin Police at A Yani Street KM 2. This is one of the post that the police have prepared for Christmas and New Year holiday.

“For South Kalimantan itself, we have prepared 2,100 personnel from police, military, transportation services, health offices, police service civil unit, and others. This operation will be implemented until January 2nd, 2023,” explained South Kalimantan Police Chief, quoted from, Saturday (12/24).

In welcoming the New Year Eve, he has also appealed to the community to beware with current extreme weather.

Furthermore, the South Kalimantan Governor, Sahbirin Noor stated that he is grateful for the good coordination from all insitutitons in the province and the community to realize a good, safe, and peaceful situation in the region.

“I want us to be happy in welcoming this holiday season, but also needs to prioritize a conducive situation in the region. We should reflect ourselves in this year to face the new year,” says South Kalimantan Governor.

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