Provisions to Cianjur Continues to Flow From All Parts of Indonesia

26 November 2022 - 12:45 WIB

After the earthquake last Monday, the aid from various regions continues to arrive, not only from the West Java region but from all over Indonesia.

“Thank God, almost all of Indonesia have sent their provisions to the refugee post,” said Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Doni Hermawan.

The provisions include milk for pregnant women, formula milk, and diapers. There are also aids for public kitchen post such as food supplies like rice, instant noodles, sardines, and mineral water and medicines as well as tents/tarpaulins.

"We really appreciate and are grateful for all the assistance that the people gave," he said

His party will ensure that the distribution of the aids is comprehensive and on target without any interruptions, "For people who want to collect the provisions, they can come directly to the Cianjur Police, ask us for logistical needs according to the needs of the community so that we direct them later after we pick them up at the Cianjur Police logistics department." he explained

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