Jembrana Police and Transportation Agency Prepare Cargo Parking in Advance of Holiday Reverse Flow

29 December 2022 - 12:56 WIB

Jembrana Resort Police and the Jembrana Transportation Agency (Dishub) have planned cargo parking to accommodate the enormous number of travellers expected for the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year's Eve holidays. If there is congestion during the return flow, the cargo parking will accommodate passengers and automobiles departing Bali.

"Parking the cargo is to prevent vehicle bottlenecks on the major highway Jalan Denpasar - Gilimanuk, Jembrana," stated Jembrana Resort Police Chief, Commissioner I Dewa Gede Juliana, on Wednesday (12/22).

The Jembrana Resort Police Chief revealed that his squad had also set up a ticket sales booth in the cargo parking area. People may utilise it to queue and purchase tickets.

"Then, after the ticket is completed, people may travel right to Gilimanuk Harbor," the Jembrana Resort Police Chief concluded.


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