North Kalimantan Deputy Chief of Police Inspects the Free Health Service Activities for the Community

2 October 2022 - 13:13 WIB - Tanjung Selor.   North Kalimantan Deputy Chief of Police, Brigadier General Kasmudi, directly observed the Police Health Service activities for the community which were held in the yard of the Fire Department, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency.

This free health service provides General Health Services, such as Blood Pressure Checks, Body Fat Percent Checks, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and Uric Acid Checks, Sunday (02/10/22).

In this activity, North Kalimantan Deputy Chief of Police was also accompanied by Regional Supervisory Inspector of North Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Eka Wahyudianta, Auditor 2 and the Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Budi Rachmat.

“People can check their health for free. It is hoped that it can help people in need in health services," said North Kalimantan Deputy Chief of Police.

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