East Kalimantan Police Helps Extinguish the Fire at Bonto Bulaeng Street

21 October 2022 - 13:15 WIB
Foto : (mitratnipolri.com)

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Balikpapan. The Search and Rescue team of East Kalimantan helped extinguish the fire that occurred on Bonto Bulaeng street, Sumber Rejo Village, Central Balikpapan District, on Thursday (10/20), at 19:21 WITA.

Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Yusuf Sutejo, explained that they went down to help the community evaluate and extinguish the fire that had begun to spread.

"The people noticed there was a fire after seeing the fire on Bonto Bulaeng Bulaeng street. When approaching the location of the fire, they did not have time to extinguish it and the fire has begun to spread,'' explained the Head of Public Relations as reported by the news site Mitratnipolri.com.

Knowing that there was a fire, local residents immediately asked for help from the East Kalimantan Regional Police to extinguish the fire. The East Kalimantan Regional Police then, together with local residents, worked hand in hand to extinguish the fire so that it did not spread until the fire was successfully extinguished at 19:21 WITA.

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