The National Police Chief Instructs to Accelerate Handling of Disaster Areas and Improve Services for Residents with Special Needs

10 June 2021 - 09:58 WIB – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all ranks of the Police Logistics Staff (Slog) to move quickly to handle natural disasters and improve services for residents with special needs. This was conveyed by Sigit when opening the Police Logistics Technical Working Meeting (Rakernis) at the Police Headquarters Rupatama Building, South Jakarta, Wednesday (06/08/2021). According to Sigit, Indonesia is a country that is often hit by disasters. Therefore, quick action is needed from the police to mobilize logistical support for facilities and infrastructure to people who are victims of natural disasters. “Needs in disaster areas, electricity, water and communication will definitely be disrupted, how management related to logistics distribution flows can be fast according to the characteristics of the disaster area,” said Sigit. In addition to responding quickly to natural disasters, the former Banten Police Chief also asked the Police Logistics to prepare the best service for people with special needs at each police station. According to him, this is an effort to provide excellent service to all residents. Our hope is to provide good service, for our brothers who have special needs to make facilities and infrastructure so that there are no differences in service, said this former Police Criminal Investigation Officer. The National Police Police Logistics Staff, said Sigit, has five stages in carrying out its role. Namely, the development of a logistics roadmap, optimization of logistics networks, modernization of logistics mechanisms, organizational restructuring and optimization of resources. Therefore, Sigit stated that Police Logistics is an important element. Bearing in mind, police personnel need logistical support in carrying out all their duties to maintain public security and order (kamtibmas). “The Police Logistics Staff of National Police as the bearer of the supervisory element and assistant leadership can match the vision and mission in preparing strategic steps to answer the challenges in the task,” said Sigit. Therefore, he emphasized the need for coordination with field operations regarding the necessary needs. So, Police Logistics Staff could plan the needs of officers in the field. Not only that, Sigit also asked Police Logistics Staff of National Police to think about full support for police personnel who work in conflict areas and have special characteristics. “Members who carry out tasks in the field must be equipped with quality according to their needs, such as members who operate in the field, could carry out maximum tasks with difficult terrain and threats to members’ lives. Equipment that needs high security is maintained, such as procurement of weapons, bullets and others,” explained Sigit. Not to forget, Sigit expressed his appreciation to all ranks of Police Logistics Staff whom have evaluated as well as prepared strategic steps in accordance with the transformation concept of Precision Police.

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