Police Continues to Investigate the Fire that Blazed Mardika Market

11 December 2022 - 06:49 WIB
Foto : Terasmaluku.com

Police currently still investigating the cause of fire that blazed Mardika Market at Rijali District, Ambon city. In doing so, the police has asked the support of Forensic Laboratory Team from Makassar to investigate the case.

The Head of Public Relations of Maluku Police, Commissioner M. Roem Ohoirat says that the Head of Maluku Police, Inspector General Lotharia Latif have instructed Ambon Police to secure the fire location and immediately conduct an investigation.

“The police chief have instructed to investigate the cause of the fire, and they have asked the support of Forensic Laboratory Team from Makassar,” says Commissioner M Roem, Saturday, (12/10).

He then continued that the current report shows there are three victims, two of the victims, Ever Masela (37) and La Masiru (32) have passed away, and Ichal (45) suffered a burn injury, “while data on material losses is still being gathered,” said Commissioner Roem.

The fire that blazed Mardika Market happened on Friday morning, around 03:30 WIT. The fire spread to the houses and burnt hundreds of houses, kiosk, and stalls.

After more than five hours, fire could finally be extinguished by dozens of firemen, helped by the people.

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