INP Adopts IT Solutions to Ensure Transparent Financial Management

27 February 2023 - 15:43 WIB
Divisi Humas Polri – Jakarta. For the ninth time, Indonesian National Police (INP) has achieved the “Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian” (Unqualified Opinion) status from the Audit Board (BPK). This achievement was made possible due to the special attention of the Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo for the budget management within INP.

“The Chief of INP always gives his special attention to accountability related to social assistance activities, presidential electoral grants, regional electoral grants for 2023, and follow-up the BPK financial reports,” he said on Monday (27/2/23).

The INP has taken significant steps towards transparency in financial management, adopting an IT-based financial system application called “Puskeu Presisi”, which has enabled the efficient provision of assistance and management of grants with full transparency.

The INP’s unwavering commitment to financial integrity, combined with the adoption of innovative technologies has been recognized and praised by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

“I hope that INP will continue their development of various applications in building good governance and further enhance the public trust in the police and the government,” the Minister said.


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