Police Dispatched to Immediately Investigate Bandung Suicide Bombing Case

7 December 2022 - 12:36 WIB
Foto: Rahmat Kurniawan/ayobandung.com

Police is now investigating the location of suicide bombing in Bandung, East Java, that injured three Astana Anyar police officers, Wednesday (12/7).

Head of Public Information of National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan said that the investigation is being carried out by Special Detachment 88 Counter Terrorism unit, and investigators from East Java Police.

“They are now investigating the location and its surroundings and gathered all information from witnesses,” says Ramadhan in his official statement, Wednesday (12/7). He added that the police have already cleared the area from masses.

It was reported that the bomb exploded when Astana Anyar Police is having a morning rally. The bomb exploded at 08:20 WIB and damaged building around it. The bomb caused a person died and injured three police officers who are now being treated at the hospital.

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