An Open Spaces for Disabled Artists from the Police

17 December 2022 - 12:14 WIB
Foto: Humas Polri - The National Police held the 2022 Police Art Festival to facilitate street artists with disabilities to express their creativity. This festival was also to welcome International Disability Day on 3 December 2022.

Head Division of Public Relations of National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said police is committed to provide open spaces for artists to express their feelings and thoughts. This space is accommodated through activities with cultural and artistic nuances, one of which are the Police Art Festival. This is also a form of commitment from the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who is very concerned towards people with disabilities.

"We gave spaces for our artists to express their opinions about the police. We wholeheartedly annd gladly accept suggestions and criticism," said the Head of Public Relations Division.

This activity was attended by more than 100 participants from 34 provinces. Their artworks were then curated by Tempo.

This activity also invites communities, and even schools for disabilities from elementary to high school levels.

"The enthusiasm was amazing. They were given space to be more confident. They can also express themselves freely and they did delivers. We salute and give the highest appreciation to them," said the Head of the Public Relations Division.

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