– Book Vehicle Owners (BPKB) electronic that used chips will be used in 2023, which said to have a lot of benefits.
"The aim is to facilitate vehicle services in terms of management. For example, mutations, for now how long does it takes? Two weeks? A month? With this new technology, I will try to make the mutation into just a day," said the Director of Registration and Identification (Dirregident) of the National Police Traffic Corps, Brigadier General Yusri Yunus.
“There are also a lot of other benefit because there’s a data chip of the vehicle,” stressed Dirregident National Police Traffic Corps.
Brigadier General Yusri Yunus stated that the process of BPKB electronic is still in early stage and aimed to finish the project in next year.
BPKB itself will still in the form of book, but this book will gave a chip that contains the vehicle data that connects to the digital archive.
“Like a chip in a pasport. We can know the contents of the chip, we can know the documents inside it, who owns it, the address, their travel history, and so on,” explained the Brigadier General.
BPKB itself is a vehicle ID that contains the name, address, and the information regarding the vechile, including the plate number, what brand and model of the vehicle, as well as the frame number.
Other than that, BPKB also contains the first data registration such as the invoice number and the name of the producer or importer.