Police Arrested KKB who Attacked Officers in Boven Digoel

21 January 2023 - 20:07 WIB
Foto: Dok Humas Polda Papua

Tribratanews.polri.go.id – Papua. Authorities arrested two people who were strongly suspected of being members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) at Iwot Harbor, Sokanggo Village, Mandobo District, Boven Digoel Regency, South Papua.

Police confiscated several items from these two people with the initials AH (20) and MK (22) as 4 firearms and 18 pieces of ammunition.

"Those arrested on Wednesday (18/1/2023) were two people with evidence of four firearms and 18 ammunition," said Chief Police Commissioner, Faizal Ramadhani, Friday (20/1/2023).

According to the Police, one of the firearms seized was allegedly used to shoot a police officer in Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, some time ago. Because of this, the authorities believed that the two people were members of the Yahukimo KKB.

"The (secured) weapons used to attack members of (the police) on November 30, 2022, in Yahukimo, it is possible (the two people) are from the Yahukimo group," explained Kombes Faizal.

Faizal revealed that there was information that said they would go to Papua New Guinea to buy firearms. This was reinforced by the evidence of Rp. 3.8 million seized from the two people.


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