Riau Police Invites the Community to Pray for the Victims of Kanjuruhan Tragedy

5 October 2022 - 09:15 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id -  The Riau Regional Police held a prayer with all elements of the Bumi Lancang Kuning community, in Pekanbaru, Riau, Tuesday (4/10/22) night for the victims of Kanjuruhan Tragedy. This humanitarian activity was attended by the Head of the Riau Police, Inspector General Muhammad Iqbal, Regional Leadership Coordination Forum, Deputy Chief of Riau Police and main officials of Riau Police, The Indonesian Army, Riau Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP), religious leaders, religious organizations, Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), and others

The Riau Police Chief said, that he wanted to show the solidarity of Riau to Malang community and said their condolences over the lost of Kanjuruhan incident.

"We pray for the victims to be granted eternal peace and the families that were left behind were given the strength to pass through this difficult times. We also pray for a speedy recovery for those who are still being treated in the hospital,” said the Kapolda.

On that occasion, the Riau Police Chief also appealed to PSPS Pekanbaru supporters to the existing rules.

"You can be fanatical as you want, but you should still comply with existing rules, because it could result in an accident if you violate it. Last time, there was also a riot in Riau stadium. We have given them an appeal, and they immediately understood and promised not to repeat it," explained Inspector General Iqbal.

The Riau Police Chief also asked all elements of society to help the police in maintaining safety and security situation.

"So that we can both remind all citizen and their children, or anyone who watches any sports match, not just football, to comply with the existing rules," he explained.

Meanwhile, Doly Sandavid, from Old Ultras Riau, welcomed and appreciated the joint prayer activity, because it wasn't what everyone wanted. In the future, his party wants to be even better and there will be no more similar incidents.

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