Post-Suicide Bombing of Astana Anyar, People Sent Their Support to the Police

9 December 2022 - 13:15 WIB
Foto: Dok. Humas Polda Jabar

The suicide bombing tragedy that occurred on Wednesday (12/7) shocked the people of Bandung, which resulted the death of a police officer and other members.

The number of victims due to the suicide bombing are 11 people, including 9 members of the Police who were injured and a citizen, and killed a member of the Police. A member of the National Police, namely Aipda Sofyan, died because of the incident.

As a result of the tragedy, many Bandung police are grieving and sent their condolences to the Astana Anyar Police.

Dozens of wreaths filled the yard around the Astana Anyar Police. The wreaths contains condolences as well as support for the police to eradicate terrorists in Indonesia.

Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, expressed his gratitude for the condolences given by the citizens of Bandung to the National Police Institution and support to eradicate terrorism.

"We would like to expresses our gratitude for the sympathy and support from the community, and we urge the public not to be anxious and worried because the Police will continue to investigate and eradicate acts of terrorism to the roots," said Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo

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