West Java Police Will Prioritize the Use of ETLE

28 October 2022 - 13:54 WIB
Foto : (ntmcpolri.info)

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Bandung.  Following up on the policy of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the elimination of manual ticketing, the West Java Police will prioritize Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) in enforcing the traffic law. In addition, the direct confrontation between violators and the police will be carried out humanely and educatively.

"People who violate traffic rules will be educated so they would understand more about traffic rules, in hopes that it won't happen again," explained the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, quoted from ntmcpolri.info, Thursday (27/10/22).

Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo ensured that manual ticketing in the jurisdiction of the West Java Regional Police would be abolished. Manual ticketing is only carried out at locations that are considered prone to accidents and locations where there is no ETLE camera.

"We prioritize ETLE, but for manual ticketing in general it is eliminated with the exceptions in areas that are prone to accidents," explained Commissioner Ibrahim.

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