Yogyakarta Police Prepares Their Personnel in Anticipating Natural Disaster

10 November 2022 - 09:01 WIB
Foto : (Dok. Bidhumas Polda DIY)

Tribratanews.go.id - Yogyakarta.  The Yogyakarta Regional Police, in their collaboration with relevant agencies, hold a rally of Preparing the Personnel for Natural Disaster, at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters, Wednesday (9/11).

The Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan, said that Yogyakarta is prone to disasters, such as floods, landslides, hurricanes, big waves, and earthquakes, and could cause a huge loss of life and property of the community.

"Therefore, to anticipate all potential disasters that may occur in the Yogyakarta, it is necessary to prepare and integrate related agencies to minimize the impact caused," said the Chief of Police.

Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan hopes that with this rally, his party and all staff can prepare themselves optimally with all the resources they have. So that they can play an active role in dealing with natural disasters in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which has not ended yet.

“For this reason, we ask our staff to be able to map and monitor any developments in the disaster-prone areas. Don't forget to also socialize the people in those areas to always vigilant, and take a preemptive approach to the community regarding their participation in dealing with natural disasters," explained the Regional Police Chief.

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