Acting Governor of Jakarta Commends the Integrated Educational and Training of TNI-Police

13 December 2022 - 10:25 WIB
Foto : PPID DKI Jakarta

The acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, attends the Opening Ceremony of National Campus Integration Training for TNI and the National Police NCOs of Academic Year 2022, in Rindam Jaya, East Jakarta, Monday (12/12/22).

Acting as the Inspector of the ceremony alongside with Regional Military Commander, Mayor General Untung Budharto and Metro Jaya Police Chief, Mohammad Fadil Imran, Heru opens the ceremony.

“To the participants, I wish you good luck in studying and training at this integrated collaboration training. This was the right moment to strengthen your collaboration and cooperation to improve your capacity, and build a stronger solidarity,” says Heru in his remarks.

Meanwhile, Mayor General Untung Budiharto reads the letters from Commander of the Doctrine, Education, and Training Command of TNI. He reads that education is an integral part in improving a professional TNI and police personnel.

He also says that this Integrated Collaboration is part of TNI-Police aggreement in their educational collaboration.

Meanwhile, Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran, also reads the letters from Head of the Police Education and Training Institute. He revealed that this kind of collaboration is initially only for the Officer ranks only.

“However, this collaboration now reaches even deeper to the NCOs in every aspect of education,” he says.

The Integrated Education and Training of TNI-Police will provide the NCOs with individual trainings in communicating, self motivation, and cappabilities in solving problems. Meanwhile, the training will also improve their team work, leadership, and understanding each responsibilities in maintaining the unity of Indonesia.

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