Through Art Festival, Police Wants to Build a Safe Haven for the Disabled

17 December 2022 - 19:55 WIB
Foto: Humas Polri

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) held the 2022 Police Art Festival at the Jakarta Arts Center Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Central Jakarta, Saturday (12/17). The festival is part of police’s concern for the disabled and to celebrate International Day of Disabilities.

Other than involving disabled street artists from various regions, they also invited children from Schools for Disabilities from elementary, junior high, to high school levels, as well as street painters.

“We gave the children a chance to express themselves on police’s culture. Some of them expressed their criticisms, and some of them also shows the good side of polices,” says the Head of National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

He admits that he was impressed because many of them drew the portraits of the Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

“Without a second thought, he is already wants to open a dialogue space for the people and he is truly wants an open police. We should be more open, always ready and open to criticisms and suggestions from all elements of society, and this is a direct order from him because this is also suggestions from the people. I have seen many of them here drew a portrait of him,” says Inspector General Dedi

Meanwhile, the Chief Director of Tempo Inti Media, Arif Zulkifli said the Police Art Festival is a good colaboration between the Police, Tempo Media Group, and the community.

"You can see the drawings that are very touching where they appreciate the police in protecting vulnerable groups, which in this case is the disabled" he said.

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