G20 Summit Went Successfully, Police Mentioned Communities and Tourists Played a Huge Role in It

17 November 2022 - 14:07 WIB
Foto: (Humas Polri)

Tribratanews.polri.go.id -  The G20 Summit in Bali has finally over. For several days the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said, "In general, I don't think there are any significant disturbances. There are cyber-attacks that the Law Enforcement Task Force can mitigate and have coordinated with the BSSN and BIN, all of which can be anticipated. Thank God, everything went well," said Inspector General Dedi.

He also thanked the Bali community and tourist who supported the G20 Summit. According to him, the role of the community in maintaing conducive situation around the area, greatly helped the G20 Summit to run smoothly.

“In securing G20 Summit, we, from the National Police, want to thank the Bali community and also the tourists for their participation in supporting our security operation by maintaining conducive situation in the area,” he said.

Not only to the locals and tourists, he also thanked the pecalang and other relevant agencies who were directly involved in helping to secure Bali.

“Thankfully, with the presence of pecalang who helps us bridging the communication with the local community, makes the community sincerely helps us in succeeding the G20 Summit,” thanked the Inspector.

Other than conveying gratitude to local community, tourists, and pecalang, Inspector General Dedi, on behalf of National Police, also conveyed their apologies for the operation that may disturb the daily activities of people in Bali. “We would also like to apologize if many of our security operations disturbs or even restricts your daily activities,” he said.

With the success of the G20 Summit, he hopes that more tourists will come to Bali.

“This G20 Summit, which run successfully, hopefully could promote to the world that Bali is truly a safe tourist destination to visit,” concluded the Head of Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police.

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