National Police Traffic Corps Optimized ETLE in all Regional Police in Indonesia

23 October 2022 - 15:22 WIB
Foto: (Korlantas Polri) - Jakarta.  The Directorate of Law Enforcement of the National Police Traffic Corps, Brigadier General Aan Suhanan, gave his explanation regarding the Indonesian National Police Chief's instructions regarding the Telegram Letter Number: ST/2264/X/HUM. 3.4.5./2022. which states the prohibition of manual ticketing. According to him, the instruction must be understood with two principles of law enforcement related to traffic rules, namely pro-justitia and non-judicial.

"So, in law enforcement against traffic violations, there are actually two solutions, the first is a settlement with projustitia, meaning that violations are prosecuted, ticketed, proceed to court, sentenced by the court to payment of fines," explained Brigadier General Aan Suhanan, in NTMC Police, Saturday (10/22/2022) quoted from the official website of the National Police Traffic Corps.

The One-Star General also added that this was guided by non-judicial methods. This means that the police in law enforcement do not need to go to court, and enough by giving education, giving warnings, which are expected to have a deterrent effect on drivers or violators.

"We will maximize the IT-based law enforcement because in accordance with the National Police Chief's program, we have held ETLE throughout Indonesia. There are 280 more static cameras, 800 more mobile cameras based on hand held then there are 50 ETLE mobiles that use moving cars," he explained.

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