The Indonesian House of Representatives Supports the Internal Reformation of the National Police

21 October 2022 - 14:51 WIB
Foto: (Humas DPR RI) - Jakarta. Currently the National Police are facing serious problems, such as the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, the Kanjuruhan tragedy, the online gambling mafia, to the drug case allegedly involving Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. To that end, the National Police Chief General of Police, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, was asked not to hesitate to make important breakthroughs.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Pangeran Khairul Saleh, said his party supports the internal reform of the police as efforts to realize all the directives and orders of President Joko Widodo who had summoned 600 high ranking police officers at the state palace.

"It should not be too late to carry out internal reforms of the National Police to regain the good reputation of the Police in the eyes of the people," he explained, quoted from, Thursday (10/20).

He conveyed that there were five directives that were specifically conveyed by President Jokowi to the ranks of the National Police, namely reforming the National Police, maintaining solidity, helping local governments, securing the political year, eradicating online gambling, drugs and the excessive lifestyle of officers.

“All of the President's directives must be followed up by the National Police Chief and should immediately followed up by internal reforms. All presidential directives are important points that each of it contains core message, so it must be followed up with internal improvements," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

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