The National Police Chief Immediately Came to Kanjuruhan Stadium to Oversee the Situation

3 October 2022 - 09:04 WIB -  The tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, shows the importance of standard match literacy of FIFA rules.

The Kanjuruhan tragedy, Saturday, October 1, left a deep wound for the Indonesian people. The football tragedy, which killed more than 130 supporters, became the largest in Indonesia from the number of deaths. Even at the world level, the tragedy claimed the second highest number of casualties.

Although the investigation into the cause of this case has just been carried out, many parties suspect that the lack of understanding and lack of socialization of the match rules issued by FIFA are the causes of the high number of victims.

Starting from the time of the match which was held at late evening, even though the police had asked for it to be held much earlier, the problem of overcrowding because the committe wants to sell more tickets, to the issue of spectator safety that did not use the FIFA regulatory reference.

Sadly, Indonesian Football Association and New Indonesian League, didn’t socialize those issues enough to the level of match officials, supporters, and security.

Communications expert Rahmat Edi Irawan sees the need for Indonesian Football Association and the New Indonesian League to set a standard for organizing matches, which refers to FIFA rules. "These regulations must be socialized massively, so that every stakeholder in Indonesian football, including the security forces, knows what to do or avoid. Without the rules of the game being enforced, this case has the potential to be repeated,” said Rahmat.

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