The Head of Indonesian National Police Assured Cybersecurity is Well Prepared for G20 Summit

13 November 2022 - 08:30 WIB
(Dok. PID Divhumas Polri) - Bali.  The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo confirmed that he had prepared anticipatory steps to prevent cyberattacks during the G20 Summit in Bali.

To prevent this from happening, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo explained that the National Police had coordinated with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). In this operation, BSSN is the leading sector.

"Because if it's a cyberattack, even though the leading sector is BSSN as the one in charge of network system security, we still have to carry out the law enforcement process and search for the perpetrators. So from the start, we should all be prepared to face sudden attacks," explained the Chief of Indonesian Police in his review at the Law Enforcement Task Force Post in Badung, Bali, Saturday (11/12).

According to Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the anticipation of preventing cyberattacks have been prepared in all locations of the international venue, both the main event and the side events venuethat are connected to an internet connection. With anticipation on all fronts, the National Police Chief emphasized, the G20 Summit can run smoothly and safely from cyber intrusion.

"We want to ensure the security as at it maximum potential, so when there is an attack, we should be able to know how to handle it so that it does not interfere the event," said the National Police Chief.

Moreover, the National Police Chief also asked all stakeholders to continue to prepare their preparations for all possibilities that may happen during the event. "So I ask for continuous improvement of possible scenarios that could disrupt both outside and inside the venue," he said.

Therefore, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo revealed that the BSSN, the National Police, and BIN could continue to coordinate and evaluate the process of anticipating cyberattacks at the G20 Summit.

"Because this really needs to be evaluated every day. So we can be sure that the event can run well," concluded the Chief of Police.

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