Gorontalo Police Instruct His Personnel to Live Modestly

25 October 2022 - 20:21 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Gorontalo.   Gorontalo Police Chief Inspector General Helmy Santika, reminded to brag about their luxurious lifestyle on social media.

“Maybe among you all, you were born to a wealthy family or married to a rich husband or wife, therefore I asked you not to show your luxurious lifestyle in social media or to the public,” told Gorontalo Police Chief in his speech during a joint rally in Gorontalo HQ, Monday (10/24).

Inspector General Helmy Santika continued “Remember that there are many people who are hugely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is truly inappropriate for you as members of the National Police to show and brag your luxurious lifestyle during this difficult situatuion”.

During his speech, he also stressed the message of the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and the National Police Chief regarding gaining back the trust of the community.

Inspector General Helmy Santika adds that Gorontalo Police have already cooperated with Gorontalo State University to held a survey to find out the community satisfaction to the Gorontalo Police.

At the end of his remarks, the Gorontalo Police Chief reminded his personnel that they are the pride of their family, and that reputation should be maintained by performing well in carrying out police duties.

“We are all the pride of our own family, please be aware of that. Don’t do any counter-productive actions. Maintain and safeguard our good reputation. If I found any Gorontalo Police personnel violate the law, then I will not hesitate to act decisively according to the applicable provisions," he concluded.

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