Indonesian National Police Headquarters Supervision Team Monitors Confinement and prohibition of homecoming Standard Operating Procedure in East Java

12 May 2021 - 18:34 WIB – Surabaya. In the duties of 2021 Ketupat Semeru Operation, the Supervision Team of the Indonesian National Police Headquarters, Inspector of General Supervision of the Police (Irwasum Polri), Police Commissioner-General Agung Budi Maryoto and the Head of the Samapta Bhayangkara Corps (Kakorsabhara) Police Inspector General Nanang Avianto visited several areas of East Java, such as the Purabaya Bus terminal which was the first location to be visited. At this location, the Supervision Team checks the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is applied if there are non-homecoming bus passengers who do not carry the requirements for a COVID-19 travel certificate. However, at Purabaya Terminal, a post is provided for checking on Sunday (9 May 2021). During their visit, the Supervision Team conducted simulations so that the sequence of health prokes SOPs was carried out correctly. In the simulation, there was a passenger who did not carry a COVID-19-Travel certificate. The passengers were immediately directed to the checkpoint for a rapid test. Meanwhile, if the passenger’s rapid antigen test results are reactive, the officer immediately takes the passenger to the ambulance to be escorted to Pendopo Delta Mayang. There, the passenger is tested for swabs, and if the result is positive, the passenger will be isolated. “We were assigned from the Indonesian National Police Headquarters to the East Java Regional Police, deliberately carrying out simulations so that the order of the health program SOPs was carried out correctly,” explained Irwasum Polri accompanied by Kakorsabhara and the East Java Regional Police Chief, Police Inspector General Nico Afinta. Irwasum Polri said this checking step was necessary. So that all officers on guard are guaranteed free from the spread of COVID-19. “Because we also have to protect our officers who are on duty here. “Army, Police, Health Officer, Transportation Service and COVID-19 Task Force must also be spared and free from COVID-19,” he explained. “Therefore, the prokes must be carried out if there are people who are suspected of being reactive. Moreover, earlier, the sequence was correct. After reactivity, results are taken to the ambulance for PCR, and if the result is positive, isolation will be carried out,” he added. From the results of field monitoring, Irwasum said that the community had followed the government’s appeal so far. “So far, no one has observed the community going home. Hopefully, they will continue to follow the government’s appeal,” he concluded. After visiting the Purabaya terminal, Sidoarjo. The Supervision Team of the Police Headquarters and their entourage continued monitoring at the Surabaya border, namely at the Suramadu bridge, both from the Surabaya side and from the Madura side, to ensure the insulation process was carried out according to procedures. A simulation of isolation is also carried out here, for two-wheeled drivers who are desperate to go home are not equipped with a Covid-free certificate or proof of swab, rapid antigen test. It is hoped that the community can comply with the government’s appeal regarding the ban on going home to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19.

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