Sandiaga Uno Commends the Quality of Arkamaya Sembung Resort

3 October 2022 - 10:46 WIB - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno commends Arkamaya Sembung Yogyakarta as a destination that carries quality and environmentally sustainable tourism.

Arkamaya Sembung is a destination that carries the concept of a one stop healing resort. Not only providing overnight services, but also integrated with outdoor entertainment, eco-adventure and edutourism. Here tourists can also enjoy the beautiful sunrise.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga, when he visited Arkamaya Sembung, Saturday (1/10/22), was impressed by the modern service innovations of the resort.

“Because it had just opened on June 1st, 2022, to be honest I didn’t expect much, but when I did came here, I was so impressed. I applaud that Arkamaya prioritizes quality and environmentally sustainable tourism, which will help us create 1.1 million new jobs in 2022 and 4.4 million jobs in 2024,” explained the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The presence of Arkamaya Sembung, said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, is one of the supporting ecosystems for the implementation of the 2023 ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF), which will take place in Yogyakarta.

"This ATF is a large scale event, and will invite tourism ministers, as well as possibly other ministries, at the ASEAN level and friendly countries, to Yogyakarta. Arkamaya is part of the ecosystem that will support both tourist destinations and MSMEs," explained Sandiaga Uno.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Arkamaya Sembung, Bryan Yoga Kusuma, explained that the formation of the Arkamaya Sembung concept was part of his party's commitment to support the government in realizing a post-pandemic economic revival.

"The merger of MSMEs and Arkamaya Sembung inns in this tourist village is our real commitment in helping the government to succeed in post-pandemic economic recovery, especially in the tourism sector," explained CEO Arkamaya Sembung.

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