National Police Chief: This Difficult Times Will Makes Us Even Better in the Future

19 October 2022 - 22:36 WIB
Sumber foto: Dok Div Humas Polri - Jakarta. The Police Institution lately have being hit by huge issues, starting from the premeditated murder involving the former Head of the Propam Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, then there was incident in the Kanjuruhan tragedy, to the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Putra being involved in drugs.

National Police Chief General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the continuous hits to the institution was to mold the institution for the better. He conveys that right now the Police is as gold a that is being refined to a 24 carat gold.

"We are like a gold which is currently being refined to be a 24-carat gold," said General Sigit at the commemoration of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H/2022 AD Birthday at the Bhayangkara Field, National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/10/2022).

He firmly believes that the police would survive and able to overcome the problems that they currently faced. He believes that all of this problems is part of God’s way in refining the institution.

“I hope that all of you could bear and get through this difficult time and eventually can become the 24-carat gold. Indeed now is a rough time for all of us, but I'm sure all of you can deal with this situation. Rest assured, if you can survive this difficult time, then you are worthy to be the 24-carat gold," said the National Police Chief.

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