Mount Kerinci Erupted, People Told Not to Panic

7 December 2022 - 07:21 WIB
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The Head of Emergency and Logistics of Regional Disaster Management Agency of West Sumatra, Rumainur, heeds the people not to panic and swayed by hoaxes after Mount Kerinci erupted. Mount Kerinci, erupted on Tuesday (12/6) morning, and spewed hot clouds up to 700 meters high.

“You need not panic. Don’t get easily swayed by hoaxes, and just look onto official releases from Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) for information,” said Rumainur quoted from

He says that the initial analysis shows the impact of the eruption to the people around the mountain is quite small.

“It was quite far to the South Solok, and even if the hot clouds went to West Sumatra, there are only fields and it is still far from the settlements,” he said.

However, he still heeds the people, particularly those who works on the field to always be careful and stay vigilant.

“For the moment, according to PVMBG, hiking is not permitted, and aviation is advised not to direct their flight near the mountain,” he said.

“There is no need for evacuations at the moment and people could still do their daily activities. Mount Kerinci now is covered in fog, with the spewing ash goes high to 700 meters above the peak,” said Mount Kerinci watchers official, Tuesday (12/6).

He confirmed that the mount erupted at 08:22 WIB. The ash column was observed to be gray to black with thick intensity to the southwest. PVMBG noted that the eruption of Mount Kerinci was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 3 mm and a duration of 60 seconds.

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