Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police Coordinates with the Prosecutor's Office on Road Bike Tickets

1 June 2021 - 14:12 WIB - Jakarta. Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police plans to make ticket rules for road bike cyclists who violate traffic. Directorate of traffic management, Police Grand commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, said that his party is currently discussing the plan with the prosecutor's office and the court.

Directorate Traffic Management does not know for sure when this rule will be applied. Because it's still in the discussion stage. Previously, Directorate of Traffic said that road bikers could be ticketed if the special bicycle lane was officially operated.

Directorate of traffic management also said that road bikers who leave the bicycle lane can be ticketed under Article 229 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.
"We are still discussing it with Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police’s, the prosecutor's office and the court. We do not know (when it will be implemented), it is still in process. Yes (it will be ticketed), later after the special road bike lane operates. Article 299 (Law on Traffic and Road Transportation)," he explained.

Article 229 reads:

"Every person who drives a non-motorized vehicle who deliberately clings to a motorized vehicle to be pulled over, pulls objects that can endanger other road users, and/or uses the vehicle path as referred to in Article 122 letter a, letter b, or letter c. shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 15 days or a maximum fine of IDR. 100,000"

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