Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police Received Award as Honored Member of Military Area Command (Kodam) I/BB

4 July 2021 - 12:39 WIB - Medan. Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police, Police Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak, held working visit to Simalungun Regency, Friday (07/02/2021). During his working visit, Police Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak received the award during the Closing Ceremony of Yuddha Wastu Pramukha Training and the Tradition of Infantry Soldiers of Enlisted Vocational Education (Dikjurta) IF Abit Enlisted First Education (Dikmata) of Indonesian Army Class 2020 at Haranggaol Beach, Simalungun Regency.

Also present at the honorary ceremony, Commander of I/BB Regional Military Command Major General Hasanuddin, Deputy Chief of North Sumatera Police Brigadier General Dadang Hartanto, Regional Supervising Inspectur of North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Commissioner A Fahmi, Head of Oprational Bureau, Police Grand Commisioner DS. Tarigan, Unit Commander of Mobile Brigade, Police Grand Commissioner Suheru, Head of Public Affairs, Police Grand CommissionerHadi Wahyudi, Commander of Main Commando Regiment (Danrindam) I/BB Colonel Infantry Waston Purba, Commander of Infantry Brigadier (Danbrigif) Colonel Nasution.

Commander of Military District (Dandim) 0207/SML Lieutenant Colonel Roly Souhoka, Commander of Military Region Command (Danrem) 022/PT Colonel Infantry P. Hutagalung, Chief of Simalungun Resort Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Agus Waluyo, Siantar Chief of Resort Police, Police Grand Commissioner Boy Sutan, Simalungun Deputy Regent Zonny Waldi Bahrias, also attended the ceremony.

Commander of Military Area Command (Pangdam) I/BB Indonesia National Armed Forces Major General Hasanuddin awarded the Honorary Citizen of Military Area Command I BB to Police Inspector General Panca Putra S, by pinning the Pride Berets of Infantry Battalion for their Service and Dedication to build synergy between the Indonesia National Armed Forces and Indonesia National Police in North Sumatera.

After receiving the award, Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police, Police Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak, expressed his pride and gratitude for the excellent synergy between Indonesia National Armed Forces and Indonesia National Police that has been good so far with Military Area Command I/BB and their officers.

Commander of Military Area Command I/BB Major General Hasanuddin mentioned the purpose of the honorary is to foster the spirit of the corps togetherness among the Infantry Corps.

"Growing the values of warrior in implementing all the capabilitiesthey have, to become reliable Infantry soldiers and increasing the physical spirit of the soldiers," he said.

After the Closing Ceremony of Yuddha Wastu Pramukha Training and the Tradition of Infantry Soldiers of Enlisted Vocational Education IF Abit Enlisted First Education of Indonesian Army Class 2020, Chief of North Sumateran Police ignited the spirit of the Soldiers by shouting Infantry Troops' slogans which were greeted enthusiastically by all Soldiers.
"I am proud of you, you are all great soldiers," Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police concluded.

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