BNPT Commends Police in Securing G20 Summit

18 November 2022 - 10:45 WIB
Foto: ( - Jakarta.   The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) appreciates the hard work of the National Police and the TNI who are considered successful in maintaining security during the G20 Summit in Bali.

"Congratulations to the police and TNI for successfully maintaining security of G20 Summit, both from the start until it was closed by President Jokowi," explained the Head of the BNPT, Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar, n a written statement reported by, Friday (11/18).

The Three Star General said that from the beginning of G20 security preparation with all parties involved, they expressed their readiness to support and succeed the G20 Presidency in 2022. Moreover, ahead of the G20 Summit activities, his party had held training on integrative terrorism mitigation and coordination of security systems at the G20 Summit venue.

"We are also holding a national security alert with law enforcement officers in preventing terrorism. The collaboration between these various agencies did not stop at the G20 Summit. Cooperation in preventing radicalism and terrorism with other institutions will continue to be strengthened," said the former Papuan Police Chief.

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