– Pati. A total of 40 personnel from the Mobile Brigade Corps at the National Police Headquarters carried out the operation in Central Java Police. The assistance of personnel is aimed at assisting the handling of Covid-19 in red zoned areas.
Pati Police Chief, Pol. Grand Commissioner Attendant Arie Prasetya Syafaat received the assistance of the Operational personnel at the Arya Racana College Hall of Pati National Police. There are 40 personnel who have been deployed and will be deployed to 10 Police Stations in 11 sub-districts with red zones for Covid-19 transmission.
The Pati Police Chief said that the number of personnel deployed to each sub-district was not the same, at the Pati City Police, five personnel would be deployed. Likewise at the Wedarijaksa Police Sation (covering the Wedarijaksa and Trangkil sub-districts), plus five personnel.
Meanwhile, at the Margorejo Police, Tlogowungu Police, Jakenan Police, Winong Police, Sukolilo Police, Tambakromo Police, and Tayu Police, each had four personnel and at Dukuhseti Police, two additional personnel were given.
After the division of tasks, all personnel immediately went to their respective police stations.
"The presence of operational personnel from the Mobile Brigade Corps at the Police Headquarter is an honor and a new spirit in the midst of our struggle in tackling the surge in Covid-19 cases," explained the Pati Police Chief.
The Pati Police Chief added that the Kudus area, which was experiencing a spike in Covid-19 cases, was very close to the Pati area. Therefore vigilance and anticipatory steps need to be increased.
"I advise the police chiefs who receive operational personnel, prioritize the safety of each personnel. Please, every activity is always well coordinated," explained the Pati Police Chief.