Anticipating Natural Disaster, Bangka Belitung Islands Police Prepared Their Search and Rescue Team

14 October 2022 - 12:08 WIB - Pangkalpinang.   In anticipating the occurrence of natural disasters in Bangka Belitung Islands, the Bangka Belitung Islands Police Mobile Brigade Unit prepared two SAR teams. This step was taken as an effort by the Mobile Brigade unit to be present amidst the community and stakeholders to cope with the current difficult times.

The Commander of Mobile Brigade Unit, Commissioner Nazaluddin Zulkifli said that in one team there are 15 members. Later this team will cooperate with other relevant stakeholders.

“The exercise was not planned by Mobile Brigade itself, we are collaborating with other SARs unit. Tomorrow we will invite them to a meeting to devise what kind of training they will do,” explained Commissioner Nazaluddin Zulkifli while doing Coffee Morning with the Media Crew of the Temu Kopi Cafe, Thursday (13/10/2022).

“The Mobile Brigade SAR is not only deployed during a disaster. Searching people missing in extreme areas are also part of their responsibilities,” Commissioner Nazaluddin Zulkifli added.

He also appealed to the public in the event of a disaster or missing person, they can directly call an emergency number that they will launch in a few days.

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