Public Activity Restrictions Ends: Minister of Health

3 January 2023 - 13:30 WIB
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President Joko Widodo officially lifted the public activity restrictions (PPKM) in all regions of Indonesia on Friday (30/12/22). Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin urged the public to continue wearing masks even though the PPKM has been ended.

Wearing masks, he said, has been a part of the health protocol considering that the Covid-19 pandemic has not been declared over.

"We continue to recommend the use of masks in closed and narrow rooms, and in the crowds," he asserted in his statement on Tuesday (2/1/23).

He emphasized that since the use of masks is not mandatory, it is up to members of the public to implement it. If a person feels healthy, the use of masks in the open air may not be needed, he added.

The minister expected that the Covid-19 pandemic can be treated as usual given the community's antibodies, or herd immunity, has been formed. However, it is necessary for the public to continue adhering to the health protocol.


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