Indonesian Ministry of Health Formed a Team to Investigate the Mysterious Acute Kidney Disorders

17 October 2022 - 11:16 WIB - Jakarta.   Until now, the causes of acute kidney disorders that attack children is still unknown. This pushed the Ministry of Health to form an investigation team to find out the mysterious acute kidney disorders that attack the children.

Previously, more than 100 children were affected by acute kidney disorders with unknown cause. The Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said there were three stages of the disease that were being investigated by the team.

First, he stated where does this disease stands in epidemiologically. Then, in the second stages, the team will try to investigate the causes of the disease.

“Is it because of bacteria? virus? a parasite or other pathogens or is it because of excessive drugs or poisoning," said Budi.

"And the third, is how we treat the patient when admitted to the hospital because the patient has been infected, maybe the cause is not from the kidneys itself," said Budi.

The initial symptoms of this disease are similar to those of the flu, such as coughing, running nose, fever, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Then, three to five days the patient's urine production decreases or even does not exist.

Epidemiologically, the Government is still coordinating with the World Health Organization (WHO) which is conducting an investigation related to cases similar to those in Gambia, West Africa.

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