Indonesian Ministry of Health Temporarily Prohibits the Prescription of Liquid Drugs to Children

19 October 2022 - 14:37 WIB - Jakarta.  The Indonesian Ministry of Health has instructed all health workers in Indonesia to temporarily not prescribe syrup drugs to patients in anticipation of the mysterious acute kidney failure.

The instruction is contained in Circular Letter (SE) Number SR.01.05/III/3461/2022 concerning Obligation of Epidemiological Investigation and Reporting of Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury Cases in Children.

The letter was signed by Acting Director General of Health Services, Murti Utami as reported by CNNIndonesia, Tuesday (10/18).

In the letter, the Ministry of Health instructed all health workers at health care facilities not to prescribe drugs in liquid dosage until an official announcement from the government was made.

Murti Utami said that children with symptoms of atypical progressive acute kidney disorders should be immediately taken to the nearest health care facility for examination.

"Health service facilities will carry out laboratory examinations of urea, creatinine, and other supporting examinations, as well as make observations," explained Utami.

Furthermore, if it cannot be handled within 1x24 hours, then the health service facility must make a referral to a child dialysis referral hospital.

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