Indonesian Military – INP Safeguard Wamena After Riots

24 February 2023 - 12:55 WIB
Dokumentasi Polda Papua – Jayapura. Superintendent Hesman S. Napitupulu, the Jayawijaya Sub-Regional Police Chief, said on Friday (2/24/23) that his corps, the Operational Control Aid (BKO) of the Indonesian National Police (INP) Mobile Brigade corps and the Military Command BKO 1702 have been protecting the scene after the riots in Wamena, Papua.

The burning of several shops was thought to be initiated by the rumor of abduction by a child kidnapper in a car.

“The initial cause and the perpetrators behind the riots are under investigation. We are attempting to calm the masses at the moment and will investigate the losses due to this incident,” said the Chief in his official statement.

He explained that the Jayawijaya Police personnel initially received information about the detention of a car, which was supposed to go to Yomaima village, by some Sinakma village residents. The driver, who was suspected to be a child kidnapper,  has caused locals to be uneasy.

The tensions escalated into an attack against police officers, who were trying to calm the locals down. They threw stones against the police officers, who gave warning shots in response.

“However, those were ignored and instead the masses burnt several shops,” he explained.

The Chief appealed to the locals not to easily believe in unconfirmed information, let alone spread such issues.


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