North Kalimantan Police Begun Their Preparations to Secure 2024 General Elections

5 December 2022 - 10:43 WIB
Foto: radartarakan

Tribratanews.polri.go.idSeveral stages of 2024 General Elections have begun, and the police have did several preparations to secure the grand event. The North Kalimantan Police and Tarakan Police have coordinated in discussing the security operations from the initial stages to the General Elections in February 2024.

The Head of Tarakan Police, AKBP Taufik Nurmandia, stated that regarding the security and the conduciveness at Tarakan City ahead of 2024 General Elections, the police have discussed it’s security measures and continue to ensure the security situation ahead of the general elections will be safe and orderly.

“The Police Chief have also revealed several programs that they will conduct, such as Precision Program for example. We continue to give our best service in maintaining security and order in the area,” said the Police Chief.

The Police Chief also adds that his personnel have intensified their night patrol and visited several community leaders to maintain the conduciveness and situation at Tarakan. In maintaining the situation in the area, his parties also expect the community to support the police in their operation.

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