Police Implores the Community to Comply with the Traffic Rules Through Stickers

7 October 2022 - 21:20 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id – Gorontalo.  The personnel of Gorontalo Police Traffic Directorate, took to the streets to distributes stickers which conveys road safety messages to drivers on Thursday (06/10/22).

The sticker distribution was led by AKP Sumadi, along with the personnel of the Zebra Operation. The activity was held around the Limboto Tower, Gorontalo Regency.

AKP Sumadi said that the stickers were meant to socialize the Otanaha Zebra Operation, which eventually made the drivers on the road aware and comply with the traffic laws.

In another location, the Director of Traffic of the Gorontalo Police, Commissioner Arif Budiman, appealed to the drivers on the road to always obey traffic rules.

"Let's support the Operation Zebra Otanaha 2022, by obeying traffic rules to create a smooth and safe traffic situations," said Commissioner Arif Budiman.

Currnetly, the Gorontalo Regional Police and their ranks carry out the 2022 Otanaha Zebra Operation, the operation is carried out to increase public awareness in traffic laws. This operation will be carried out for 14 days starting from October 3-16, 2022.

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